Believe it or not there were only four steps you to know order to get rid of your back pain. Each of the steps are essential and if for some reason miss one of them at best will only achieve temporary pain relief. The reason for this is that in order to get long lasting pain relief you actually need to get rid of not only the pain you are feeling but you actually have to get rid of what is actually causing the pain as well as.

It is a sad fact that current statistics show that only approximately 25% of people who suffer from pain right now will be totally pain-free one year from now. The majority of people are actually worse or just the same. The reason for this is

Most people think that if they take a pain relief medication that gets rid of their pain it means that their problem is fixed. But this is not true!! That medication only kills your pain by literally putting your sensory nerves to sleep. Pain medication does absolutely nothing to fix your problem. So most of the time as soon as you stop taking pain medication for pain will immediately come back.

So the following steps must be taken in order to achieve long-term pain relief.

The first step is to find the cause of your problem. Is your pain coming from a pinched nerve, a disc herniation or a twisted spine. In my 20 some years as a Philadelphia chiropractor it has been my experience that most problems always have an unbalanced spine or misaligned spine as part of the problem.

You see when your spine is misaligned it causes the various muscles and joints of your body to function less than perfectly and this causes a multitude of problems. Especially causes your muscles to fatigue easily and to go into spasm

The next step is to get rid of your pain. Now of course you could always take some type of pain medication to get rid of your back pain and sciatica pain but this can give you a false sense of security and you end up doing something like changing the tires on your car or working around the house or in the garden which are too much of a physical stress and strain on your injured body and suffice to say it causes more damage.

Now I am not against pain medication. But I do believe that along with the pain medication a person should be receiving pain relief therapies like acupressure, massage and pressure point chiropractic treatment. In fact I have actually treated many people and achieved fast pain relief just by performing chiropractic pressure point therapy, massage and acupressure; without the use of any pain medication.

Even though your pain may now be gone it does not mean that your problem is fixed. So here you actually have to get to the root of the problem we have to fix your injuries.

The next step consists of balancing the muscles of your body. This simply means that we have to relax all of the tight muscles of your body and we have to strengthen and tone the weak muscles of your body. In order to do this I will usually have my patients perform some type of exercise both in the office and in the comfort of their own home. There are also pressure pulling techniques that I use to relax the tight muscles of the body.

In my office we actually go a bit further to ensure that your muscles are healthy and able to function at peak capacity by improving the nerve and blood supply to them. You see if a muscle does not have proper nerve and blood supply it will usually get tired very quickly and this will eventually lead to muscle spasms and some type of back and sciatica pain.

The final step is to rebalance and realign your spine. This is done very gently with chiropractic pressure point therapy. This step is vital because all muscles attach to a joint in the body and the spine and pelvis are the foundation of your muscular system. Establishing balance in your pelvis is essential because the pelvis this is the foundation of your spine. So if we do not stabilize your pelvis the pain will eventually return.

So there you have it a comprehensive step-by-step protocol to get rid of your letter back and sciatica pain and how to stay pain-free.

Sciatica pain and low back pain relief is not impossible all you have to is determine the cause of your pain, decrease the intensity of your pain, balance the muscles of your body and finally balance and stabilize the joints of your spine and pelvis.

Sciatica is often times described by terrible pain in your low back that radiates into your buttock and then down into your leg. Sciatica nerve root pain is one of the most excruciating conditions that affects people not only in the United States but in every country around the world.

Getting rid of your sciatica pain is possible and sometimes it is not all that difficult to achieve pain relief. Sadly many people do not know what types of treatment are best for treating this pain and they may not know which type of medical care provider to see.

In this article I am going to give you a summary of steps that should be followed when you are suffering from sciatica pain.

First of all you need a proper diagnosis to determine what your problem is and what is causing your pain. Usually I would recommend that people consult their family Medical Doctor said that he may perform proper diagnostic studies such as x-rays, MRI studies and possibly even EMG and NCV studies. From there your doctor can recommend the proper type of care such as chiropractic treatment and spinal traction decompression therapy.

Until you get to your doctor usually it is recommended to self treat with either ice or heat. I do not recommend using an electric heating pad because there is the potential of getting burned. I would usually recommend using warm compresses. You can use the warm compresses for approximately 15 to 20 minutes but please be careful not to burn yourself. It is usually recommended that ice be applied for approximately 10 minutes. You can either use an ice bag or an ice pack or you could even use a plastic zip lock bag and just put some ice cubes in. Do not place the ice directly on your bare skin. You should place a towel over your back and then put an ice bag on top of the towel, so that the towel is between your body and the ice bag.

A good way of preventing ever getting sciatica is to keep your belly nice and tone and flat. You can do this by following a good nutritional diet. A good nutritional diet consist of lean proteins like meat, chicken and fish as well as lots of vegetables especially leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables and nice fresh fruits.

Another thing is to pay close attention to what activities you might be performing that could possibly be causing or sciatica pain. Take into consideration if you were sitting in the same position all day long. Especially if you were sitting in a slumped over position. You could also be standing or walking in the slouched shoulder position and kind of bent forward leaning towards the ground. A good way to prevent sciatica pain is to make sure that your posture is good. Even when you're sleeping you do not want to sleep with your neck bent and jammed to one side. And please when you were talking on the phone use your hands to hold the phone or use an ear piece but never placed the phone between your head and shoulder and keep it there. Believe it or not this will cause an abnormal curve and torgue of your spine that could cause sciatica.

Also for the female population take off your high heeled shoes. Nothing is wrong with wearing a flat pair of sneakers or shoes. The high heels can actually cause a shortening and contraction of your lower leg muscles and this can cause muscular imbalances throughout the rest of your leg, pelvis and spine eventually leading to sciatica nerve root pain.

Finally always remember to lift with good and proper body mechanics. Also keeping good form in all types of physical activities goes a long way in preventing back and sciatica pain.

If you are suffering from back pain and sciatica pain call me for an initial consultation. In my office sciatica pain is treated each and every day.

I especially enjoyed treating people with difficult sciatica cases that have not gotten results with any other type of treatments. Because I get most of these patients pain free.

So if you suffer from excruciating sciatica pain and are looking for us as sciatica pain relief treatments.

Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy body and spine.

Scientists and nutritionists continue to argue over what constitutes a vegetable. Strictly speaking, a vegetable is any part of a herbaceous plant eaten by humans as food. So, in this sense, lettuce leaves are vegetables, asparagus is a vegetable, carrots are a vegetable, as are garlic, peas and beans, squash, peppers and tomatoes. Tomatoes, however are also consider fruits under the botanical definition and under the legal definition. For the purposes of this discussion, botanical and culinary fruits such as green peppers or pumpkins and nuts, herbs, seeds, and grains and fungi such as mushrooms will be ignored to focus on culinary vegetables.

Broccoli is high in dietary fiber and is missing only vitamin B and vitamin D to have a full range of vitamins. Broccoli has no saturated fat and only some sodium. Cholesterol in broccoli is non existent. Broccoli is one of those foods that is good to choose when trying to lose weight.  It even is a good source of protein, which surprises many people. This is helpful to know when one is combining vegetables to form a complete protein source.

Cooked spinach is one of the highest ranking vegetables in providing complete nutrition. It is high in dietary fiber and gets top marks for every other nutrient identified in the diet with the exception of vitamin D and vitamin B12. It is low in saturated fat and fairly low in cholesterol.  The most outstanding negative feature in consuming spinach is that is contains a significant amount of sodium.

Almost everyone is aware that carrots are one of the highest nutritional sources for vitamin A, but carrots are also an source rated as excellent for antioxidants. Reduced heart disease, cancer protection and increased night vision are all positive qualities associated with this root vegetable. Many people do not realize that a diet rich in carrots will help to protect a person exposed to second hand smoke from contracting cancer and other diseases associated with cigarette smoking.

Cabbage is part of the cruciferous family of vegetables named because of the cross (crucifix) shaped flowers. Medical researchers have found that the phytochemicals in cabbage known as indoles inhibit the growth of colon, stomach and breast cancer. On the down side, excessive amounts of cabbage in the diet may lead to problems with the thyroid gland. Cabbage prepared in coleslaw has significant amounts of iron, vitamin C, potassium and calcium.

Celery is one of those foods that most people love or they hate, but there is no question that it is a dieter's friend. In addition to it's very high fiber content, celery is excellent in providing phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, riboflavin, manganese, potassium, folate, and vitamins K, C, and A. Unfortunately, celery is also high in sodium content which is not the best nutrition happening. Dieters love the food because it contains negative calories.  It actually uses more calories to digest it than you take in by eating it.

Providing almost 60 percent of the recommended daily allowance of folic acid, asparagus plays a starring role of vegetables helpful in prevention of spina bifida. Asparagus has a wealth of nutrients, dietary fiber and it is low in sodium. Asparagus is another vegetable that contains no cholesterol or fat, making it a dieter's friend.

Sweet Corn
Consuming a diet that includes corn and other foods high in beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid also found in pumpkins and red bell peppers may significantly reduce one's chances of developing cancer in the lungs. This is true even if the person is a smoker. Corn is also beneficial in the amount of fiber that it adds to the diet and in the folate found in corn.

Radishes are known for the ability to add piquancy to a salad, but they are also good for optimum health in that they contain high dietary fiber, very low fat and cholesterol. Consuming three radishes raw provides potassium, folate and vitamin C, calcium, vitamin B6 and riboflavin. In addition, radishes provide manganese, copper and magnesium.

Green Beans
Some would argue that green beans are not a vegetable, but a fruit in that they contain the seeds inside the pod in the same way that apple seeds are found within the apple. However, few people would accept green beans as a fruit. They are excellent choices for obtaining vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese and vitamin A to your diet. In addition, green beans are high in dietary fiber.

Romaine lettuce contains a significant portion of the daily recommended allowance of vitamins K, C and A. It is also noted for the presence of manganese and folate. Since a one cup serving adds only 15 calories to your daily intake, lettuce is an excellent choice for weight reduction.

To get rid of pain fast call

Michael Kenny, D.C.
7439 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136

Philadelphia Back and Sciatica Pain Relief Treatment Center

If you are busy, not able to get up early morning or have no time for gym just follow this 20 minute home work out to stay healthy and fit.

1) Jog in place for 3 minutes

2) Jumping jacks perform 25 repetitions  

When landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce the impact on knee joints.

3) Crunches perform 15 repetitions

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head with elbows pointing outwards. Support your neck with your hands. Keep your neck in a straight line with your spine. Flex your waist to raise the upper torso from the floor then lower yourself until the back of your shoulders touch the mat.

4) Pelvic Bridge perform 10 repetitions

Lie on your back with your hands facing palms down on the floor. Bend your knees by putting your feet flat on the floor. Then Lift your hips off of the floor and squeeze the buttocks muscles tight and hold this position for approximately 5 seconds. Then lower yourself down to the floor.

5) Step – up’s for approximately 1 minute

Just step up with the left foot then down and then step up with the right foot and down.

6) Reverse crunches for 15 repetitions

Lie on your back with your hands at your sides. Keep you knees bent. Bring your knees towards your chest, till your hips come slightly off the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then lower your knees.

7) Mountain climbers for approximately 1 minute

Get your hands and knees and raise your knees like a starting block sprinter. Run in that position, supporting your upper body with the palms of your hands. Keep your back straight.

8) Push – ups for 10 -15 repetitions

9) Squat thrusts: 1 minute

Stand straight. Now, drop to a crouch position. Immediately thrust your legs out straight behind on your toes, in push up position, now jump to pull legs  back to the chest, in crouching position , then  stand up straight,

Cool down by walking around, till your heart rate returns to normal and stretch.

A minutes rest is needed in between exercise. Proper form is important. Do not hold breath. Sip water during the workout. This workout targets the whole body, improves cardiovascular efficiency and tones and strengthens the body.

To get rid of sciatica and back pain fast call

Michael Kenny, D.C.
7439 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136
Call: 215-332-4770

Philadelphia Chiropractor

Sciatica pain relief treatment in Philadelpha